Sunday, September 1, 2013

Assignment 2

Technology has completely changed our society, in a short span of time. This has had a remarkably positive impact on society as well as on myself. I cannot remember a day I haven't looked at a screen for information at some point. Our phones and computers have brought the world together in ways that would of never been thought possible. Now, we can chat with friends instantly, whether they are in the house next door, or on the other side of the earth. For myself, technology helps keep me in check with reminders and a calender on my phone, and submitting papers and blog posts online for school assignments. The ability to have a infinite source of information readily available *ahem* google, is another impossible to imagine resource that could not of been predicted just a few years earlier. Apple realized this amazing opportunity for people, and capitalized on making devices easy for the average person to use, and has had a enormous impact on our lives today.

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