Sunday, September 8, 2013

Assignment 3 Gibbs

In my opinion, a clear cut line between good and evil does not exist. Sadly, life isn't a simple black-and-white picture. Everything contains grey areas, and that includes people's morals. This said, I do think there are two sides. While they may not be in definite boxes, the separate ideals exist. If someone murdered another person in cold blood, for no reason except the enjoyment of it, that would easily fit into the box of evil. But if someone murders another person because they knew that this person was abusing their spouse and children, is that evil? I would say no, but an argument could be made either way. People's morals, whether good or evil, are also influenced by what they grow up around. What you are taught as a child sticks with you the rest of your life, and children look up to their parents as role models for how to live their own lives. 
For example, in the Harry Potter books, while Harry and Voldemort's sides may be clearly defined, other characters weren't . Draco Malfoy repeatedly shows hesitance in the evil actions he takes. For instance, he refuses to kill Dumbledore even when he has every opportunity to and has been planning on it for months. Especially in the movie, you can see him struggling to make the choice, and he ends up resisting the temptation to do what his elders have instructed him to do, because he knows it is wrong, and (in my opinion) he respects Dumbledore more than Voldemort.  Does this show him to be a good person deep down? Who can blame him for the side he takes when he has grown up around Voldemort's people, and his own father is one of the death eaters? 
Good and evil ideals obviously coexist in Malfoy, just as they coexist in the world. They need each other for each to exist. If everything were considered good, then wouldn't it just be called normal? There is nothing to fight for if there is nothing to fight against. I am not saying that this is a desirable situation. Doesn't it sound better for everything and everyone to be good people an make morally correct decisions? In theory, that sounds like a great way to live, But who knows? We live for feeling, and I don't know whether or not there would be any if there was no struggle between good and evil, no matter how petty. 

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