Sunday, September 29, 2013

Assignment 6- Margaret Cashman

1) If you could lucid dream (control your dreams), what would you do and why?
2) What unconventional superpower would choose and why?
3) If you were given the option to be immortal, would you take it? Why or why not?

I'm going to address number 2. My friends and I, namely Gibbs and Brittany, have discussed this topic in-depth, and have come up with, in my opinion, the best superpower ever. If I could have a superpower, I would choose the ability to become any book character I wanted. If you think this is a lame superpower, keep it to yourself. Imagine, you're having a horrible day and all you want to do is be anybody else, well now you can. And not just anybody else, but you could choose to be the heroic Percy Jackson, or the quirky Etienne St. Claire, or even the murderous Voldemort. Any scenario you could imagine would be at your finger tips. Not only would you become their character, but you would live out their stories as well. Feeling heartbroken? Dive into a romance novel and become the damsel-in-distress saved by her perfect boy? Feeling like a badass? Dive into an action packed book and become the hero of a town,  or even the world. In my world, there's no better superpower than this, what's better than to be able to live and breathe alongside (maybe as?) your favorite characters?

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