Sunday, September 22, 2013

Assignment 5: I Don't Love or Hate Television

Why do you watch TV? Why do you not? What shows do you love or hate? I don't love or hate television; you could say that I feel indifferently about it. In order to sit down and watch television, I feel like you have to have a considerable amount of time on your hands. One episode of any given show runs for roughly 15 minutes, 30 minutes if you count the advertisements. Half an hour guarenteed to be taken by television, time too precious to be indulging in things like that. I simply don't watch TV because I find other things to take up my time. If I'm not at school, doing homework, or working, im spending my freetime doing things around the house or napping. Sounds boring, I know, but if you were to enlighten me with your weekly-scheduled show recordings I'd feel sorry for the both of us. But don't take that the wrong way- if watching TV is what helps you unwind when you have free time, then keep on keepin' on! There are two shows that I do like to watch. One is the Bachelorette (a seasonal show), which I watch with my brother and Mom. It wouldn't be the same if I were to watch it alone, we all enjoy making fun of the guys trying to pursue this one girl and all of the drama that comes along. It gives us a good laugh. The other show I like is Portlandia, which is an older show that can be found on Netflix now. It features a man and a woman who do a bunch of little skits and put them in this one show. As random and strange as they might seem, I get a kick out of them because I never know what to expect. Unfortunately, I've run out of seasons to watch, so there hasn't been anything new to watch and I don't suppose there will be again...

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