Saturday, September 28, 2013

Assignment 6- Saba

1. If you could swich places with anyone for a day, who would it be?
2. Do you think ghosts/other myths are real?
3. Do you think humans should have been amphybians? why

I'm actually going to pick two topics to rant about, because if you know me, you know that I like to RANT.
First of all, since I watched The Conjuring last night, it only seems appropiate for me to rant on this topic: ghosts/demons/witches. Now I know LOTS of people don't believe in those things, but just think about it. Obviously, no one just woke up one day and said, "Oh, I think I'm going to make up an evil thing that tries to possess people's bodies and kill them at night", or "Let's pretend that ladies in pointy hats can say spells and make potions that make supernatural thingsoccur." Obviously there were occurences in the past that led them to believe such things. And let's say that they did make up that stuff, how did so many people believe them?
Were people just not that smart back then? For example, The Conjuring is "based on a true story". Why aren't the people whom the story is based on not in asylums if their story is true. Or better yet, if those things are really true, WHY ISN'T ANYONE DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT?
(Though the conjuring is definitely the best scary movie I have seen yet.)

Now on to the humans being amphybians topic. If god spent so much time on creating us and the ocean, why couldn't we have the best of both worlds (like mermaids- which by the way, could they be real too?!) It just seems really unfair to me. I watched a movie on Disney Channel when I was 10 and the main character turned into a mermaid on his 13th birthday because his real mom was a real mermaid (sounds very stupid when I think about it now...) but I was 140%  sure I belonged to the sea as well. You can guess how disappointing my 13th birthday was.

I tried to keep my ranting to a minumum. That is all.

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