Sunday, September 1, 2013

Assignment two

Although there are very many wonderful sides to the technology that we have today, they come with the few negative effects. One that bothers (most likely) each and every one of us is that we feel attached to our technology and do not want to be without it. Such technology that most people (teens at least) feel a part of is their cell phones. I personally never leave the house without my cell phone. I feel the need to constantly check for text messages and twitter updates when I have my phone at my fingertips. It's sad that society feels so desperately lost without their smart phones in their pockets, when just ten years ago we were all perfectly fine with a nearby pay phone.
Last year I went to Kings Island with my best friend and our families. I felt that I HAD to have my cell phone with me, even though I wouldn't be using it, and so packed a small bag that carried my phone, the map that I got at the entrance of the park, and a water bottle. The necessity of my cell phone was a complete burden in that I had to walk across each ride and put my bag into one of the not-very-trustworthy wooden bins. At any second someone could've taken my bag along with my three hundred dollar phone, and off with my life as I knew it. On the rides that didn't have wooden bins off to the side, I had to pay 75 cents each time and buy a locker. Now I was wasting my snack money on a metal box to put my phone in that I didn't need to bring in the first place.
At the end of the day, remembering to grab the bag at the end of every ride and carrying it on my back throughout the whole park was such a hassle that I wished I had been technology free that day and left my phone at the hotel. On that day technology slowed me down immensely.
This example, and many other reasons, is why I believe that although great, technology brings a negative effect to society. We have all become so dependent on our cell phones that we cannot function without them. It is if the technology is in control of us instead of the other way around. And that is a scary effect.

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