Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Assignment 4-Gibbs

This photo is that of hundreds of bodies lined up in a concentration camp in Germany during World War 2. Part of what was so shocking to the world about these camps was that very few people knew about them, or at least how bad they were, until after the war was over. Pictures like this one, along with many others, were and are able to convey a fraction of the pain and devastation suffered by the people subjected to this torture. You can see how emancipated the bodies are in the picture and it is heart wrenching. The people that suffered in the concentration camps, mostly Jews, were innocent except for, 
in Hitler's eyes, their religion. It is disgusting that he should have punished them to such an extreme for something as harmless and peaceful as being Jewish. 
People say that pictures are worth a thousand words. I believe that they are worth emotions. Pictures can make you feel, understand, and empathize more than any speech could. The holocaust in Germany was a horrific event, and I can say that with confidence even though I was not alive when it occurred because of the pictures. Pictures can tell a thousand stories. 

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