Sunday, September 22, 2013

Assignment 5- Margaret Cashman

I am addicted to TV. I don't say this lightly either, I honestly don't think I could function without my TV.  It's my way of turning my mind off, the way I chill after a stressful day. You can sit and tune out the world for a few minutes ( that may be an understatement), but who doesn't like to turn off their brain for a bit? My main vices happen to be Under the Dome, So You Think You Can Dance, Downton Abbey, The Walking Dead, Teen Wolf, Modern Family, and The Vampire Diaries. As you can see I dedicate a good majority of my time to TV watching. More often than not the TV is the background noise to my homework time, though mainly because I hate working in quiet. I see nothing wrong with TV, it's basically the same as spending your time reading. Both of them tell stories, just in different ways. In fact, I've decided that since I've spent a good half an hour doing homework it's now break time! American Horror Story, here we go.

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