Sunday, September 1, 2013

Assingment 2

My phone rarely leaves my hand. It is my calendar, my alarm, my map, and pretty much my main way of keeping up with the world. It’s pretty hard to fathom what life was like without one. Now I can keep in touch with my friends and family more easily. Rather than my grandfather calling the home phone every now and then to see what is going on he can shoot me a text or if my friends make a spur of the moment plan they can easily get in touch to see if I want to join. If I lived 20 years ago I feel my relationships with friends and family may not be a close, as communication would not be as easy, but I also feel they might be more important as I would not have constant contact. Going to visit my grandparents or friends may be more exciting because we would have more to catch up on. I also feel technology sometimes consume our lives. I’ll go out to dinner and look around and everyone is on his or her phone, many not even talking to their company. This being said I am glad to have grown up now because due to technology I am more in contact with the rest of the world. We are now able to interact with people across the world and have a greater access to learning opportunities.

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