Saturday, September 28, 2013

Assignment 6 - Jacquelyn Engel

1) If you could be anyone you wanted for a day, who would you be and why? 2) What subject in school would you eliminate? Explain and give reasoning. 3) Do you believe in giving second chances? 3) Whether intentional or unintentional, I believe we have all given a second chance. Often, people conjure more elaborate ideas of giving seconds chances such as someone cheating on their girlfriend or boyfriend, but second chances are given on a daily basis. They are given in sports, relationships, academics, and many more situations. Those pesky quarrels you get into with friends or family can distance yourself from them, but after some time to cool down, you return to your usual loving and friendly relationship. You have just given them a second chance even if you were unaware of it. A more common situation would deal with sports. A majority of us do some sort of sport, activity, or hobby. We all know that major fail feeling when we lose a race, don’t beat a certain time, etc. Most of us choose to try it again because we want to improve; therefore, we have willingly gave it a second chance.

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