Sunday, September 8, 2013

Assignment 3: Brittany

I don’t believe that there is an absolute good and evil.  Nobody is perfect. There isn't a single person who hasn't done something bad in their life. At the same time, no one is completely “evil” either. I think it all depends on the situation and who is looking at it. One person may see something as perfectly normal while another may see it as a monstrosity. When you walk down the hallway at school some people are cursing and saying every cuss word they can think of and they see no problem with that. Then, other people look on at that appalled and then some simply don’t care either way. Also, our actions, wrong or right, do not define precisely whether we are good or evil. Just because someone does something bad, doesn't make them evil. Our actions don’t always reflect who we are inside. If a man robs a store because he and his family are starving, then he isn't evil. He was in a desperate situation and made a poor choice. Does that make him evil? No, I don’t think so. Everyone will make mistakes, but people also do good things. People aren't classified as absolutely one thing or another. We are far more complex than that. There are many more factors involved.

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