Sunday, September 1, 2013

Assignment 2: Iwrite

As a teenager in the 21st century I am very dependent on my cell phone, if you ask teenagers how they mainly communicable with their peers they will most likely say through text or a form of electronic communication. However if I grew up 20 years earlier things would be drastically different. In the early 1990s cell phones, especially texting, was not nearly as prominent. With the lack of texting this could force teenagers to communicate through good old fashion face to face conversations. Although finding situations to talk face to face are much more scarce then situations when texting is possible, the quality of the conversation would be much higher. Therefore, relationships with other people may be harder to achieve however much more intimate. After thinking about the pros and cons of my current time period and one 20 years ago, I would probably choose my own. Even though relationships of the past might be closer because of an increase in face to face conversation, the options for communication would drop. Just because we have text in this time period doesn't mean we have to use it, in fact it will be very helpful in setting up times to hang out, or meet somewhere in which you can physically communicate with your friends. Technology is a useful tool that I personally value despite the possible drawbacks.

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