Sunday, September 22, 2013

Assignment 5: Siobhan

It's a rare occasion when you find me parked in front of the T.V. on a school night. Don't get me wrong, I like watching television just as much as the next person, but I just simply don't have the time. My schedule is incredibly demanding and the ounce of free time I do have is spent sleeping, or catching up on sleep. I get a feeling of anxiety doing something so mindless and unproductive when there is a list of things I need to get done accumulating in my brain. 
When the saturdays and sundays are slow I will watch T.V. on Netflix. My latest obsession? Gossip Girl. My favorite aspect of that show is the fashion, the very thing that "geeks" me out. It' a great asset to the show and keeps me interested when the plot gets slow (which is a very rare occasion in the lives of Manhattan's elite)
A show I've never been a fan of is South Park. I find it offensive and it encourages stereotypes and ignorance.  I've heard the argument that its all suppose to be a joke but when satirical humor is taken that far I am just turned off by the whole affair. 

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