Monday, September 2, 2013

Assignment 2

Technology, while perfect and enjoyable, impacts us negatively all the time without us realizing it. When people talk about technology, and how it connects people, and it convinces them. But I've seen the connection and convenience hurt people. When you're angry at someone, or they at you, texting or twitter makes it really contact the person. You could be infuriated and send a message to someone, and the consequences to your actions follow quickly. You both engage in a heated twitter war, and before you know it, become bitter enemies. The long term effects of the conveniences brought to us by technology are even greater. The ease at which we do everything, like getting to work, or getting food, makes it a lot easier to get fatter and fatter. Obviously, you aren't going to become morbidly obese simply because you can commute to work faster than your great-great grandfather. But it sure is easier to pack the pounds when you're driving to your desk job while eating a McMuffin.

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