Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Assignment 3- Omer

The point of this blog isn't to convince you that good and evil are almost never concrete. Even someone with a smooth brain can come to this conclusion instantly. Good vs. evil is a nice fantasy, but it's an impractical way of viewing life. Good is the absence of bad, and bad the absence of good. Due to the impossibility of lacking either good or bad, is ever good or bad. Lets say a student wants to get a 4.0 GPA throughout high school. This seems innocent enough. Lets say he wants to use his GPA to help him get selected for a prestigious college. So what if he makes it, and because he does, another student doesn't get in. To the not chosen student, the 4.0 GPA student seems evil; he cut short the student's dreams. Is the high GPA student evil? Obviously not. He isn't good or evil. Now what of the monsters of society? Sure they kill, but are they evil? The fuel behind many criminals can be found in their childhood. So they aren't evil, mom made them what they are. So mom's now evil? Even if the way she acted made a child into a serial killer, is it even her fault? Was it the way she was raised? Could abuse from a past boyfriend have scarred her past the point of return? But then is the boyfriend evil? This train of thought can go on forever. No one is ever truly at fault, unless you conceptualize god and evil differently. If good and evil are merely what you perceive, then what? If two people resent each other, each views himself as good, and the other evil. Does this mean that everyone' good, and evil? I don't think so. Good and evil don't exist in the way we view them. What someone views as evil, another views as justified, and another still views indifferently. There is no bad, nor lack thereof; there is only what we perceive.

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