Sunday, September 15, 2013

Assignment 4 -Garrett Uebelhor

      This picture shows one catastrophic failure in history, the explosion of the Hindenburg.  Nick-named the Hindenburg disaster this event in history shocked America and many others. At this time in history we believed our future was to move towards zeppelins. The Hindenburg explosion caused us to rethink the way in which we would move forward . If we had not stopped making zeppelins imagine where we could be today.  Our current technology could be completely changed.  This picture truly shaped history by giving bad publicity to zeppelins.  For me this picture stimulates a lot of thought. It causes thoughts about whether we would be the way we are today without the disaster. If instead of becoming interested in designing and redesigning planes all that focus went into zeppelins.  Without the Hindenburg to set a example of the horrific failures possible in zeppelins our world would be different, whether better or worse for the Hindenburg disaster this picture is obviously very important in the  path of techno-logic innovation and with it how our world is today.

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