Monday, September 2, 2013

Assignment 2- Julian

Going with prompt 2, I have unfortunately had many hurtful experiences surrounding technology. The most recent example of this involves the new use of turnitin, blogger, and other websites in a lot of my classes the past couple of years. My router is a piece of technology that I will never understand, and as much as I (as well as the tech guys from insight) can fiddle with it, there is no stopping its favorite activity of the night. My router will stop working for an hour or two (or three) at random, during no particular part of the day, for no particular reason. This is very frustrating to me as a casual Internet user, but with the addition of online homework in my classes, it can also affect my grades. From this stems my belief that the Internet should never be a requirement for something that is unnecessary. It also makes me believe that technology is having a largely negative impact on the way we do things today, because we are always so dependent on technology for work and for leisure. I believe that we are too dependent upon technology. While technology has many amazing abilities that we all have at our disposal now, one just needs to look at examples such as Anonymous hackings, Wiki Leaks, and the shopping websites constantly losing our credit card information to hackers to realize that our society has put too much faith into our technology. Forcing our own society to keep up with our demand for new technology, we are leaving many holes that still need patching in what technology we already have. 

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