Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Assignment 5 - Jacquelyn Engel

Through countless social media sites, everyone is notified before, during, and after these entertainment type award shows. There is a constant 4 hour period where 80% of the people are talking about these award shows. Everyone is consumed second by second and detail by detail with these award shows, yet they many probably don’t even know what the purpose of the Nobel Peace Prize is. The way our society acts like this makes us superficial and narcissistic. It portrays how materialistic we are which shows our deteriorating compassion for more whole, worldly issues. Sure they’re fun to watch, seeing the fashion, the performances, and recalling those great productions, but I don’t think this benefits or improves our society the least bit. However, I do think it’s appropriate; I just don’t believe that it’s good for our society. We already have 20 plus other entertainment type award shows and about 6000 plus t.v. shows and movies, what more do we need to entertain ourselves?

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