Saturday, September 21, 2013

Assignment 5

No one in my family really watches TV. There, I said it. But boy do we love our movies. That explains our Netflix account, the Amazon Prime account, and frequent trips to the two Red Boxes down our street. We also always watch movies together, unless someone isn't home. Just last night, we watched 2 movies. Recently, however, we have been obsessed with Under the Dome. Watching that show every monday night became a tradition. However, I do believe that the internet is replacing TV. Almost all of my friends prefer YouTube rather than TV. For example, it's much cheaper and easier to put an ad at the begining of a You Tube video. The You Tuber gets paid by the company every time you don't press "Skip Ad" and watch the whole advertisement. Though I believe there are aspects of TV that cannot be replaced, but man will eventually grow and evolve to replace them.

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