Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blurred Lines

We've all grown up being told "do what is right" and "avoid what it wrong". But, is there really "good" and "bad"? There are some things that we can generally agree are bad things, for example I don't think anyone would argue that rape or mass genocide is a good thing. On the other hand, there are some things that aren't as clear if they are good bad. Imagine you are bing held hostage with 10 other people and you are given the option to sacrifice one person to be killed to guarantee everyone else's freedom. If you don't sacrifice this person you don't know if any of you will make it out alive. Is there really a "good" option in this situation. No, some situations have no clear or "right" answer. There are some answers that just have to be neutral, not completely good nor completely bad. Also, different people can different opinions on what is "good" and what is "bad". An example of this that has been in the news recently is the situation in Syria. Certain groups like president Obama, John McCain, and senate Democrats feel like the right thing to use limited military action in Syria. They believe that this is the right option, there is no grey area for them. But on the other side groups like the Syrian American Council think that no American military action should be taken. Both of these groups think their opinions are "right", but they both can't be right. When there are differing options someone "right" can be someone else's "wrong". This doesn't mean that one person is truly "right" and one person is truly "wrong". The world is full of grey areas between difficult situation and conflicting opinions. 

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