Sunday, September 29, 2013

Assignment 6 - Julian Perry

(I apologize in advance for how long this has become. I had some free time on my hands today, and I haven't done open/free/creative writing nearly as much as I've wanted to lately)
1. How free are we? Do we really have the freedom to do whatever we want? Is it possible to? Can our dreams ever really be accomplished? Can we be truly happy in life? Discuss your thoughts.

2. Imagine you wake up tomorrow and everyone else is gone (literally everyone, so far as you know). That is all you know. Everyone's stuff is still there, but no one is around. What do you do on this day? What is your course of action? Describe how you would react to this situation, and what you would do with the next 24 hours of your life.

3. List the 3 things you would miss the most, if they were to vanish from our reality. How would you cope? How would you remember them? How would you forget them? Elaborate as you will.

As entertaining as writing each of these prompts was, and provided the fact that I am unable to elaborate upon the ideas I have on each prompt, I must unfortunately write out only number 3. 
This particular weekend has been a difficult one for me, building up to this anticlimax of a blog post. I have caved in on, to plagiarize a common phrase, "the people most important to me." I have made myself a fool, I have saved the sweat of my own brow in turn for another's, and I have been hauling around an idle noggin able to mull these facts over. While 100% of what I've said and am continuing to say might entirely be dramatized, what I've found is that (in no particular order) 1: music, 2: nature, and 3: friends are the 3 things most important to my life right now.
I am a complete shopaholic. I have a weekly income. This is a wondrous combination, and most recently it has led to a new doodad that allows me to play music, at quite a volume, wirelessly, with a bass that will literally (figuratively) knock your socks off. I laid in, on, and around my jungle of a yard for hours listening to that whatchamacallit, and when it got too cold I'd give up on music because I don't deal with cold weather well. Wait, no I wouldn't. I'd listen some more, because that's just how Julian is. For me, music is literally (again, figuratively) an addiction. I can't handle stress any other way. I don't need to, so long as I can hum a melody. Without music, I would just be lost. There is no coping for a loss this great. I would simply exist without. A cold heart of pain and sauerkraut would replace my own, but I would live. That's all there is to say, really. I would be a sea turtle without my sea, flailing around wondering how my ridiculous sea turtle instincts could have possibly allowed me to walk this far away from my sea turtle home.
Speaking of me turning into a sea turtle, you might as well flip me on my turtle back if you take away nature. Ridiculous premise, I know, but creativity is key to success. Using the definition of nature as the physical world without humans, I would miss nature more than I'm going to miss looking forward to new episodes of Breaking Bad every week. Being up early in the morning to hear those first chirps from a far off bird, eventually growing into a full orchestral theme of birdie chirps with accompanying piano harmony, is something I wouldn't want to live without. Sitting in the forest at night, by the fire, listening in on the constant hum of the wildlife all around you; This is something I love about life. I wouldn't cope, if nature disappeared. I would bring it back. I would make my own universe, and it would be ten times better than this stupid nature-less one. My universe would be big, bold, and you wouldn't be punished for being brave. You could adventure through the physical world of green that I love so much, and it would never go away.
Ah, yes. Friends. That old TV show everyone loves but no one actually watches. That wouldn't be in my universe. The actual meaning of "friends," however, would. In the end, friends are all you have. Your family are your friends, your friends are your friends, and even your acquaintances can be your friends. That's part of the human experience, I guess. You never know who your friends will be in five years, but it's ok. Life is meant to be lived, not planned. I can plan to keep in contact with my friends for the next five years, but life happens. Life will happen for the next five years, and the next five after that. It might even go five more years, but the length itself is irrelevant. Life brings change, in every aspect of everything, and not all changes are good. Bad choices are reversible, though, so if I were to wish all my friends away for whatever reason, the world wouldn't end. I would just be really, really, really sad. Sad and stupid. Over time, though, new friends would come into my life. They wouldn't replace the old ones, but they would be friends all the same.
Change, loss, and sadness go together for a reason, but you never truly lose a friend. Music doesn't stop existing, just as everything else in life doesn't. Circumstances just change. Life changes. It's the memories you have that don't.

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