Monday, September 23, 2013

Assignment 5

For the Love and Hate of Television

Television is a good form of entertainment, it is something that captivates millions of people who keep 'tuned in' each week to see a new episode of their favorite show. There are shows made for every sort of person from history buffs to people just looking for a laugh. With television the advertisements come with it. Everyone hates to see Ads interrupting their shows, but it has become something that we are just used to by now. Can you imagine planning to watch a show on good ol' television without commercial breaks? Probably not. But these ads are becoming more and more obsolete with things like DVR, and internet viewing sources that may have fewer to no ads at all. Television is a waste of time, essentially. This is because most of the time, you are gaining nothing from watching it, however this means that pretty much all forms of entertainment is a waste of time, whether it be television, or going to the movies, or even playing a board game. So while television is essentially a waste, so is most of what we humans do anyways, so it's not important where we get our entertainment from because it's all a waste in the end. Television can very much be all three of these traits, it helps out advertisers with their products, keeps us consumers happy with good shows, and gives us an easy form of entertainment to waste our time with.

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