Sunday, September 29, 2013

Assignment 6 - Katy

1. What are you biggest pet peeves? And how do they make you react?
2. If you could create the perfect bedroom what would it look like? What kind of items would it have in it?
3. If you could travel anywhere for a day, and do whatever you want, where would you go?

I find all three of my questions fun to think about and answer, but I'll choose the first one, seeing as maybe if more people know of my pet peeves they won't do them as often.

Let me begin by saying that I am a very easily annoyed person, and this list of pet peeves is not complete. Sometimes it worries me that so many things that people do everyday bother me so much, but I can't help it. For example, when I wear flip flops, I don't think it's so much to ask for people to not step on my flip flops and force them off my feet. When people do that I personally would like to confront them and tell them to please back up three feet and continue with their day. But I am a small girl with a passive aggressive attitude and never have the nerve to.
I also want to confront people who curse too much. If you find it necessary to add a curse word after every other noun or verb in your sentence, you need to rethink your vocabulary. Not everything you talk about has to be "f-ing this" and "a piece of sh-." I honestly get annoyed with people who unnecessarily curse. I understand if you stub your toe on a table and need to release a couple of words. That happens to everyone. But if you're just excited about something, I prefer that you sit back down, calm your mouth, and try again. Of course I'd like to say "excuse me, but some of us are attempting to enjoy our lunch without your foul mouth. Would you please quiet down and leave the F-bomb out of the conversation?" But I don't want to get kicked out of my lunch table, so I set quietly, talking to myself in my mind about how much I wish they'd stop cursing.
Right now, those are the top two on my mind, mainly because they both occurred within the last couple of days. There are more things that annoy me, and I'm sure I'll be able to think of them later on when they occur.

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