Sunday, September 1, 2013

a life 20 years ago

If I lived 20 years ago, almost every aspect of the my life would be different. I understand the significance of that statement and do stick by the notion that life wouldn't be the same without the technology we have today.

There are small instances of an influx of technology that have fused into becoming a part of my life. For example, I check instagram and twitter at least once an hour. I find myself in constant communication with my friends. With this advantage of constant communication also comes a disadvantage. It's not easy to avoid people you don't like or who bring you down on social networking sites as well as texting/calling. If they are determined enough, they can get into touch with anyone regardless of blocking or having private social pages. People that you could escape in person now have the ability to hide behind a screen a torment you. That's a dark thought but it's a part of the bitter reality of technology.

With regards to the changes in my relationships now vs. twenty years ago, I do think my friendships would remain the same. All of my friends I've made have been done so in person. Technology may have strengthened my friendships, but it did not create them. Although in regards to relationships I've had, technology has definitely complicated things. It makes things unclear. And it's too easy to be nonchalant about everything. Why go on a date when you can just text your significant other instead? Why have a meaningful conversation in person when calling is easier? If I had lived 20 years ago, the guys that weren't interested in putting effort into a relationship would be easily weeded out. They wouldn't have the opportunity to be "half-involved".

If I could choose I would rather have grown up twenty years ago. Relationships would be more genuine and it would be easier to surround yourself with people that care about you.

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