Sunday, September 1, 2013

Assignment 2

If I had grown up twenty years prior, I feel that my life would be almost unrecognizably different, in both positive and negative reasons. First of all, I would be far more productive. Without the constant distraction of my phone and the internet, I would have at least three or four more hours a day where I could be accomplishing something. Perhaps this view is a bit romanticized, but I feel like I would have stronger relationships with everyone in my life. Face-to-face interaction would be much more prominent, and instead of impersonal texting, I would be forced to talk to my friends on the telephone, something I do very rarely. On the negative side, my knowledge of useless trivia would be greatly handicapped. I spend most of my free time just randomly reading about things I find interesting, and without internet, I would have to use encyclopedias and such, which would be a hassle and would provide a fairly limited amount of information on each topic. I also wouldn't have as much freedom from my parents, as they would be reluctant for me to go out without having a cell phone to contact them in emergencies. If I had to choose an era in which to grow up in, it would probably be the 50s. Again, my view of the 50s is probably highly romanticized, but I feel like being cool was a lot easier in the 50s, you just had to have a pompadour and wear a leather jacket, and then you were the man to be. I also could've seen Buddy Holly and a lot of my other favorite rockabilly musicians before they all died. Plus, I would get to be an adult in the sixties, and I could go to New York and hang out at The Factory with Andy Warhol and all those people, and that'd be pretty cool. If I got to do all of those things, living without technology would be a fairly small price to pay.

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