Sunday, September 1, 2013

Assignment 2- Isaac

"Has technology affected you in a majorly positive way?"

         The short answer is yes. The long answer is that thanks to the wonders of technology, I can now communicate with my friends who live all over the country... who I met thanks to technology. When I was entering fifth grade I was starting to gain some sass, so my parents wanted to get rid of me for four weeks during the summer. They began to search for Jewish overnight camps to ship me off to, with the intention of allowing myself and my brother to have a fun, educational experience while allowing themselves to have some peace and quiet. With a quick Google search, they found one they liked: Camp Young Judaea Midwest. They signed my brother and me up for the camp through its website, and bought our plane tickets online and printed them out. After attending this camp for 6 years, I went to Tel Yehuda- the national camp for the organizations. Through these two camps, I have made hopefully lifelong friends- people who I never would have met were it not for the internet. Not only that, but thanks to Gmail, Facebook, and Skype, I'm able to keep in contact with these people who live in other states, be they Illinois, Massachusetts, New Mexico or Israel. When I see the question posed above, it makes me think of all the bonds I've created and all the experiences I've gained every summer, and how I can continue these relationships and use these experiences in everyday life. So has technology affected me in a majorly positive way? In a word: YES.

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