Sunday, September 1, 2013

Assignment 2- Sepehr

Life 20 years earlier would have been very different because we would be interacting so much more differently. We would have no smart phones, internet, or video games. We would actually have to go outside to talk to our friends and play sports instead of sitting in our rooms and playing video games. I would be okay with this cause I love to go outside and play sports rather then playing video games. But most people my age would probably freak out about losing their phone because some teenagers spend most of their day on their phone, they rarely have actually face to face contact with their friends. But i think it would definitely affect our society in a positive way because it would make people active which would help the weight problem our society is facing.

I prefer this time period though because I have control over have much I use the internet. Some people cant control it because their lives are so intertwined with technology. I

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