Sunday, December 1, 2013

Using prompt 2, assuming it was on the weekend, I would not know what to do. Waking up, I would first notice that the dogs are rowdy. No morning walk means they get mean. I might make breakfast, and call my mom to see if I should walk them myself, and after she didn't pick up I might look out the window and see that her car was still there. This is when panic would set in. I would never start screaming, of course, but my mind would. At this point I might text my brother, to see if he knows anything. No response from him is very unusual... I am not ok at this point. Extended family, friends, and I am in the corner crying (maybe not so literally). With no response from anyone, I would start driving places. After an hour or two of that, I'd calm down. Drive home. I need to let this sink in, of course. I can't be of any use during a nervous breakdown. Convincing myself it's a dream, I would go to my bed and sleep all day. 

And then, when I woke up, it would start over again. 

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