Sunday, December 1, 2013

Assignment 15- Megan Woodrum

1)Who, fictional or real, is your hero? What about them makes you look up to them?

When I was a little girl my favorite animal was the monkey. This is an extreme understatement of how I felt about them; you could say it was an unhealthy obsession. I happened to have these little green books that all this information on different animals and people who dealt with them, these books introduced to one of my heroes, Jane Goodall. I idolized this women, she got to live and observe some of my favorite creatures in the world (I realize chimpanzees and monkeys are different but little me saw monkeys as a generalization like calling all vehicles a car). So at the mature age of 8 I decided I wanted to become a zoologist and study monkeys like Jane Goodall did, I basically wanted to become her. Over the years I looked into that field I decided I did not have the attention span for al the paperwork that would accompany studying a species, and within a few years I decided being a veterinarian sir the way I want to go. I know that it's a stretch but Jane Goodall inspired me to become this because of that early desire to work with animals, because it's not just monkeys that I love, but all animals. 

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