Sunday, December 1, 2013

Assignment 13- Brittany

Procrastination is a very relevant issue in my life and in most students’ lives. Never fear though, because I've come up with a solution. Procrastination will cease to become a problem if we just eliminate any kind of work. If you don’t feel like doing it, you don’t have to! Nothing is mandatory. If you want to sit and watch the office all day, then go ahead. If you don’t like raking leaves, then don’t worry because you don’t have to. Everyone will be much happier and everything will function a lot more smoothly. Nobody will be doing anything they don’t want to, so nothing could possibly go wrong. It’s the perfect solution. Everyone can get paid for doing nothing. Student’s can get perfect grades for doing none of the work. If there is nothing to do, then no one can put off doing it until the last minute! There is no other possible way to fix this.

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