Sunday, December 1, 2013

Assignment 15

3. Do you believe in any conspiracy theories? If so, which one? Why?

I don't consider myself a particularly conspiracy-minded person. I tend to tend to have a logical outlook on things, and in situations when I have no reason to feel otherwise, I am pretty trusting. Despite this, it's hard not to be swayed by a couple of the more prominent conspiracy theories. For example, I was once a Kennedy assassination truther, and maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I'm still not convinced that Elvis and Andy Kaufman are dead. Still, there is only one conspiracy theory that I am really convinced by, and that is one I theorized myself: that actors Nicolas Cage and Crispin Glover are immortal entities who have been watching over humanity since the beginning of time, switching identities every 70 years or so. As borderline insane as this sounds, I could honestly write pages on this topic with all of the photographic and textual evidence I've gathered. Do I really think this is a logical or even somewhat possible situation? Not really, but it's fun to think about, and I've managed to legitimately convince a few people of it. If you want a full explanation, ask me about it sometime, but before I end this post, take a look at a few of my most convincing photos:

                             There is absolutely no way this Civil War-era dandy is not Nicolas Cage

                                Those eyes could only belong to one man. No wonder Rasputin was so hard to                                       "kill." Crispin Glover is Rasputin.

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