Sunday, December 1, 2013

Assignment 8-sepehr

Fears: Not being good enough, Sleep paralysis
Annoyances: People who talk too much, rudeness
Accomplishments: Beat my friend in 12k14 in triple overtime, being able to touch rim on 10 feet
Confusions: Life
Sorrows: Anger, Impatience
Dreams: Being a chemist, go pro in basketball
Idiosyncrasies:sports fanatic
Risks: Going to the right college
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: my phone, friends
Problems: School

Im going to elaborate on one of my fears, Sleep Paralysis. I've had sleep paralysis a couple of times before, and it is by far the scariest thing i have ever experience. Sleep paralysis something you encounter at sleep onset or upon awakening, and while in sleep paralysis, you can move a single muscles in your body, and usually have terrifying hallucinations or visions and you cant react to anything, that's the scariest part. The first time I had sleep paralysis, i couldn't go to sleep for the next two nights because i was scared it would happen again. So my biggest fear is having sleep paralysis again.

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