Friday, December 6, 2013

Assignment 6

1.) Do you think athletics (or other clubs) help or hurt a students grades/ GPA?
2.) If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
3.) Describe the perfect one-week vacation, assuming an unlimited budget. 

#1.) I think athletics outside of school actually help a student's grades (or at least help mine). Despite the significantly less amount of time allotted to the student for homework, studying etc. the student will learn to manage their time much more efficiently. I personally swim, and even though I have to spend three+ hours a day on swimming, the time I do have for homework is spend much more efficiently. Because I know I have very little time, I spend the entire hour or two on homework. If I had an excessive amount of time, I would probably get on the internet, waste time, or find a way to procrastinate. Because of swimming I have learned to use time productively that I would have previously wasted, for instance if my teacher finishes their lesson early I try to get other homework done, rather than just sitting there waiting for the bell to ring.  Athletics also increase the overall health of the student, reducing stress, helping sleep etc. 

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