Sunday, December 1, 2013

Assignment 15- Brittany

If you could live in any fictional book that you wanted, what would you choose?

This is an incredibly difficult question for me to answer, so I'm a little frustrated with myself for asking it. If I was on the spot though and I had to choose, then I would probably go for Harry Potter. I feel like I took the easy way out with that one, but you have to admit that it would be pretty amazing. I could go to school at Hogwarts and have wand and whatnot. If you kind of ignore Voldemort, then it seems like the perfect place to be. At least I wouldn't have to kill 23 other tributes or something. I would be the first one to say that I love the Hunger Games, but I don't think I would want to live in that world. Harry Potter, on the other hand, is a place I would be more than okay with. This is definitely the little nerd inside of me thinking this, but I think actual Quidditch would be the coolest thing ever. You cannot tell me that flying around on a broom wouldn't be fun. Plus, I really love owls so that just settles it.

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