Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Assignment 11 An ode to Andy - Omer

But not really. Andy is... interesting to say the least. I've never had a boring day in english due to his need to spew random awesomeness. Even on days where we test, I get at least a good five minutes of words smashed into my ear. If it weren't for Andy, I would probably sleep through English.

A typical day with Andy involves lots of silly humor, Reddit, and a lack of space. Andy, if you're reading this, give me more room. Then again, I usually tell him this, but I try to remind him once he takes over 80% of our table. Andy also once hit a squirrell with his car, so he got out of it and started doing CPR to try and save it. It survived and let him pet it, but once he got into the car again, he hit it a second time. Don't try to bring it up, as he is deeply in conflict with what he did.

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