Monday, December 16, 2013

Assignment 17- sepehr piltan

nimals like us have needs, like having a warm place to sleep and food to eat. So why should they be denied these basic needs? And just like us they have feelings, they can feel pain, sorrow, and even joy too, so why can’t they be happy like us? Just imagine if you were a poor little animal having medicine and makeup products tested on you, every day to the point that you can barely move. Imagine you're the one thrown in a cage and only given enough food to survive for the day. You wouldn’t like that, would you? Well that’s what it’s like for an animal in product-testing facility. It’s not fair for them because they have no power, no freedom, and they can’t speak up for themselves because they can’t speak our language. Animals should have rights too, just like people do. I'm sure some of you of pets, like cats and dogs, and I know for a fact that you wouldn’t want your pets to feel pain or sorrow, you want them to be happy. But there are people out there who think it’s okay to beat and starve their pets. According to the humane society over 1900 cases of animal cruelty are reported each year. And these are just the ones that have been reported, there are hundreds and probably thousands of unreported cases. Over 70 percent of these cases involve cats and dogs. And these people who abuse animals get very little to no jail time for the terrible things they do to these innocent animals. If animals had rights and the punishment for the crimes were greater, maybe that would eliminate some of the cruelty out there. People aren’t the only ones abusing and killing animals. Animal services euthanize animals every day, circuses put elephants and monkeys through terrible conditions, and there are even underground dog fights. These people don’t care about how the animals feel, they only care about the money they get from the animals suffering. And some people don’t even do it for the money, people hunt animals just for the fun of it. The only animals that you’re not allowed to hunt are the ones on the endangered species list, what do you think got them there in the first place? My favorite animal, the tiger is almost extinct because of habitat destruction and hunting. Their used to be more than nine subspecies of tigers that numbered over 100,000 tigers before the twentieth century, now there are only about 3,200 tigers left in the wild. Do you realize how crazy that is? In less than about 100 years, the population of the tiger has dropped by 95 percent all because of humans hunting and destroying animal habitats. What if people abuse and kill animals like the dog to the point that they become extinct? Can you even imagine that? Animals can’t tell us how they feel because they can’t speak our language, but they do feel. Just because they can’t talk and defend themselves doesn’t mean that we get to deny them their freedom and basic needs. It is morally wrong. I’m not trying to persuade you to become a full on vegan or even to donate all your money to the humane society. I’m just trying to show you the reality of what’s happening to these poor animals and persuade you that this is a major problem. You guys are probably thinking, “What could I possibly do to help?” and you don’t have to do much. You can do small stuff like meatless Mondays, where you don’t eat any animal product on Mondays, or you could volunteer at places like the wolf run. The people there will appreciate your help and so will the animals even if they can’t tell you. In conclusion, I feel that animals should have rights and not be treated any differently than humans are. But in the end it’s not my decision, it’s yours. I can’t force you to buy certain foods or clothes, it’s all up to you.

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