Sunday, November 24, 2013

Isaac- Assignment 14

For me, Thanksgiving has in the past been close to, but not quite, the stereotypical one. It always involves a turkey. If we don't go to a relative's house then we may invite friends, or my grandparents drive up from Georgia. If we're traveling, there are some distinct nuances depending on where we go- if we're at my grandparents house, then there will be matzoh ball soup, without a doubt. At the home of my cousins in Ohio, the meal is pretty standard, and the real difference is the people, as I'm either entertaining my little cousins or sitting on the couch watching television and chatting with my uncle, who has a similar sense of humor as me (it's nice to find a kindred spirit). If we're in Maryland with the family on my dad's side, things tend to be more relaxed, because those cousins are all fairly close to my age. It's also pretty certain that there will be at least one slightly odd dish there- the last time, it was turkey stuffed with turtledove.

This Thanksgiving will be a new experience for me, because as of August I have been a vegetarian and I don't plan on breaking the diet just for Turkeyday, or whatever the kids are calling it now. My guess is that I'll get asked why I'm no longer eating meat, partnered with if I'm sure I don't want some turkey. There's no way to really know until it happens though. Maybe it will lead to a great piece of observational comedy, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up.

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