Sunday, November 24, 2013

Assignment 14-Eliot Smith

     My family is insanely lazy.  I think the last time that my family has actually cooked, hosted, and served a Thanksgiving dinner was around 2008.  Since then, we have been moochers.  We have annually gone from house to restaurant to country club to house eating others' hard work.  This year, we will be eating at the Iroquois Hunt Club.  For this reason, the ability to successfully describe my average Thanksgiving dinner is strained.  One constant is the fact that I overeat every single time.  The rest of my day is always spent lying face down on either my couch or bed.
     Thanksgiving is, well, the day to give thanks.  This holiday has evolved--or devolved--into everybody stuffing their faces with stuffing and not giving a hoot about thanking those in their lives.  And, honestly, I'm completely fine with that.  I'm not really someone who goes out of their way to praise others for their deeds. Rather, I'm the kid that prefers to shut up and eat.  Because of this, I love Thanksgiving.  What can be better than a whole day dedicated to other people placing plates of delicious food in front of you only in exchange for a grateful grunt.
     Thanksgiving is not a holiday packed with memories for me; however, I fondly remember the Thanksgiving of 2007.  This was the year that we actually hosted the meal, and for dessert my father, a fantastic cook, decided to make a cheesecake.  Why he decided on a cheesecake is beyond me, as cheesecake really doesn't possess the Thanksgiving aura, but I digress.  At around 2:00, my dad opened the oven door in order to cool the cake while we left to go fetch some spices.  My German Shepherd, Burke, just absolutely devoured it.  This was the year of a dessertless Thanksgiving, and the cleaning of mounds of dog throw up.

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