Sunday, November 24, 2013

Assignment 14- Katy

Thanksgiving for me is never at home. It is almost always in Noblesville, Indiana, where my grandmother lives. I think my grandma used to have this dream of a huge family thanksgiving all together with tons of food, because that's usually what it is.
My family of four, my uncle's family of three, my cousin Brittany and her mother, my two cousins and their parents, and then my cousin and her boyfriend. That adds up to  15 people in a 3 bedroom house. One of which doesn't even have a bed. When you add all the pets that are also brought on the voyage to Indiana, you have one cat, two dogs, one guinea pig, and several fish. That is an extremely tight fit.
My sister and I used to get priority on sleeping, but in the past couple of years we've been pushed down on the list and we usually sleep on the floor in the dining room with our cousin Brittany. Our older cousins Christopher and Charlie actually camped outside one year... not really because we didn't have room (believe me, it's still a big house) but because they had gotten these new camping tents that were supposed to handle -30 degree weather (I think I heard them sneak in around midnight.)
Last year was probably the best thanksgiving I had had in a while. That's because my uncle took me and my cousin Brittany black Friday shopping. He said he'd take us anywhere we wanted and we could stay out as long as we wanted just as long as we helped him get two toys for his kids' Christmas. That was more than agreeable for us.
We stayed out until about 3:30am when we started to feel that our knees would give out. Luckily my uncle had gotten us coffee and a midnight snack of McDonalds, but it just wasn't enough near the end.
All in all it was a successful shopping trip. My uncle got several presents for his family (including one for me!) and my cousin Brittany purchased several cute tops. I didn't have any money with me, but the experience of black Friday shopping was enough for me. I wish I could do it again this year.

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