Sunday, November 3, 2013

Assignment 11 - Max Morris

     In this class, I share a table with Gibbs McKinley. I have been in school with Gibbs since third grade, and due to our last names, we have often been placed together in seating charts. I suppose this means I've known Gibbs for the majority of my life, but despite this, I still can't say I really know Gibbs all that well. It's pretty bizarre how long you can know someone without really knowing them. That's not to say I don't know Gibbs alright, though, and from what I do know, I can say that she is a very likable person. I've never seen her be anything but kind, and even when she is in a visibly poor mood, she never brings anyone else down with her. She's very hard-working and nearly always receives A's on her assignments. She also loves to read books, as she frequents my father's shop quite often, and I don't think I've ever seen her with the same book for more than two days. I also think I remember her liking horses a lot in like 3rd grade, but don't take my word for that, I could just be imagining it. I guess she probably does, nobody really dislikes horses. Anyways, I've known Gibbs for grip and she's a pretty cool person, but despite this, I can't say we're anything more than acquaintances.

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