Sunday, November 3, 2013

Assignment 11- Kaylyn Torkelson

I've waited as long as I possibly can to start this blog post about my seat partner, Jonathan Tungate, because talking about Jonathan seems like a rather hard thing to do. I was in Jonathan's English class way back in 6th grade, but I honestly can't remember ever conversing with him at length. He was an enigma back then, and to this day, still remains rather mysterious. I can never tell what Jonathan is truly thinking. However, I feel like I've gotten to know him better this year than I have for any of the past 5. Jonathan is a comic genius, in a quiet and understated way. His blog post about me had me laughing so hard I was crying. I literally couldn't ask for a better seat partner, and I really wish I still sat next to him in physics. Jonathan's smart, but not in a rub it in your face kind of way. Actually, he doesn't rub anything in anyone's face. He's certainly kind and he puts up with my non stop talking (often complaining too), and only gets noticeably annoyed when I'm in his desk space. He even switched 50 Essays books with me the first day we got them because I flipped out over the spider I had in mine. Overall, he's a pretty chill guy, and for that reason I think his colour would be blue. (Because it's a calm colour, but also mysterious in a way. If that makes any sense.) His animal would be a turtle. (Because turtles are awesome.) Or maybe a teddy bear. (Because people just automatically like him.) Jonathan also does this super awesome pencil spinning thing during English that I really wish I could learn how to do, but I guess I'm just not cool enough to be on his level. He even tried to teach me, because he's that cool.

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