Sunday, November 17, 2013

Assignment 13- Katy

Commercials. As I lie in bed typing this from my phone, I am also trying to enjoy my favorite show The Walking Dead. I'd personally like to find out why the Governor has appeared so randomly out of the blue. But I cannot find out at the moment because a 5 year old girl has to comment on grapes, somehow supporting an AT&T commercial. I understand the purpose of commercials, to get a product or service attention to customers, but their place is NOT in the middle of MY favorite show. I waited A WEEK to see what happens next in this amazing series. I did not wait a week to see how I can order Time Warner Cable or why the Rivard fine jewelry is better than any other jewelry place. So this is my suggestion: commercial day. That's right, one day a week we have commercial day where all we can watch is commercials, all we can hear is commercials, and everywhere we look are commercials. I mean, with all the non-commercials in shows it'll add up to more than that. And surely those companies just HAVE to get their advertisement out, right? I mean, if their product is so life-altering important to interrupt my viewing of the one good thing about Sundays, then gosh darn it we just need to dedicate an entire day to it. It seems like it deserves that much. 

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