Sunday, November 10, 2013

Assignment 12 - Katy

I don't know why my owner thinks my name is "you stupid piece of junk." Sometimes she talks nice about me and says "I don't know what I'd do without it," but most of the time she just gets annoyed with me. What's really funny is that when she needs me most, I just die on her. Just right in her hands! And she groans and rolls her eyes and tries to turn me back on but I'm just like "nope, sorry. I'm dead." And I smile evilly to myself.
To my luck, she's grounded this weekend, which means I don't have to deal with her complaining and her laughing at her messages. I can just sit in her mother's drawer peacefully and hopefully catch some shut eye.
As I was lying there Friday night, overhearing everyone's conversations, I heard that they were all going out to dinner, my owner included, and wouldn't be back until very late. This was my chance. This was my shot to run away from my emotionally confused owner and find someplace nicer to live. Maybe a beach. (Although of course I'd have to go buy one of those life-proof suits...)
I nudged on the drawer and dropped to the floor. Without any help from the crappy $5 outfit my owner bought from Wal-Mart, I was careful enough not to scratch myself up. I waddled my way through the hallway, a more strenuous activity than I had planned, and realized I was getting awfully tired. I didn't know how long I could last. I mean, I usually only ever last like 3 or 4 hours. So I ran into my owner's room, tucked myself in, and took a power nap, trying to regain some energy for my trip.

An hour later, I was ready to go, I was 100% ready. I made my way all the way down the stairs (quite an event let me tell you), and towards the back door. Luckily my owner wasn't smart enough to shut the screen door like she had been asked 5 times to do, and it was wide open. I simply took a deep breath and waddled outside, into my freedom.

And then I realized it was raining and I rushed back in doors. "Oh my gosh I almost died for real." I realized the real world was too much of a hassle for me. I made my way back up stairs and onto my owner's bed, snuggled up in her blankets.
When they all got back my owner squealed (yes, squealed) that I was laying in her bed. She said she loved me and missed me. And her mom came in and yelled at her for taking her phone back. She swore up and down that I just "appeared" in her bed.
Let's just say I get another week in the drawer to myself.

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