Sunday, November 24, 2013

Assignment 6- Andy

1. If you could be one of a fictional race, what would it be and why?
2. If you owned a factory what would it make?
3. If you could have been an extra for an movie (past or future), what would it be?

1. If I could be any fictional race I would be an Elf from the Lord of The Rings. This is not only because Elves are in LOTR are the best characters in the book, but for a number of other reasons. The first reason is obvious: they are immortal. They live forever unless they are killed by battle or grief. Living forever would be nice, but there are some drawbacks. Apparently they live forever because they are waiting for the end of days, which is not something to look forward too. They also live on while their friends and comrades die. Many of the elves are powerful wizards/sorcerers, which, assuming I could be one, would be a plus. Elves also have impressive housing. Living in a tree alone would make it worth it. In J.R.R. Tolkien's universe elves are not the "most powerful" race, but I think overall the advantages of being an elf would outweigh the disadvantages and problems of being one.

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