Sunday, November 10, 2013

Assignment 12- Thomas Ueland

Life as our Suburban- Well, its 7 AM, and time for the daily rise and grind. I don’t know how many more of these road trips I can take- I mean, I know they’re only 30 minutes long, but once you’ve been around as long as I have the joints don’t work as well as they used to. My owners never take me in to get maintenance, and this decade-old technology is ancient by today’s standards. My speakers hardly work (too much Waka Flocka), air conditioning is overrated, and who said good gas mileage is a must have? Still, even though I’m not as fancy as these Mercedes and Audi SUVs, I can guarantee you that I’ve been through 100 times the struggle that they have. And I’m still running, aren’t I? How many of them have had to carry 7 passengers and a 2500-pound trailer from Kentucky to Colorado, and back? Bet you no hip Mercedes with their heated seats and rear view cameras could do that. Other than my daily trek to the same building every morning and back home, I mostly just stay in the same spot on the driveway and reminisce about the good old days- when my horsepower was worshipped, and no one cared about gas mileage. Darn environmentalists ruin everything. My owners have moved on to bigger and better things, like a sleek Mini Cooper or a mid size Volvo, but they know that whenever they need a car that’ll never break down for long distances, they’ll take me, that 2001 Suburban they used to rely so much upon.

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