Monday, November 18, 2013

Assignment 13 Schuler Ravencraft

Mom... Mom! MOM!! Are you even listening to me?? Of course you aren't because you are on your phone! Phones have lead to an abundance of misunderstandings and all around lack of socialization. I will tell my mom 10 times where I am going and she'll swear on her grave that I had never said a word or I will be sitting with my dad watching TV and we will both just sit with that tiny screen illuminating our faces and we will not say a peep. I have a solution! It is time we collect every last phone. Yep, you heard me, take every phone and dump them off the Golden Gate bridge. This will create much more sociable, friendly people. That kid that sits with his headphones in and on twitter all day will in a snap have a million friends and a well rounded relationship with his parents. No more passing strangers and just staring straight down at your phone or no more family dinners where everyone is texting, we will walk down the street waving and start striking up dinner conversations. Bye, bye phones and hello happiness.

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