Sunday, November 17, 2013

Assignment 13- Isaac- Why do you leave a Youtube comment?

And what is this you've left under the mildly amusing video of a girl pranking her cats?  Is it, perhaps, some constructive criticism- "This video was nice, but I prefer your longer ones?" No. Of course not. Nor was it simply a nice thing to say, because praising someone with a "that was pretty funny!" or a "really creative!" is unheard of. None of your friends will think you're cool if you do that.

You left what, then? Some hate? Maybe you hit on the girl in the video because your hormones are out of control, which is a super creepy thing to do. Could it be that you were just a d-list troll, or worse yet, got into some heated political or religious debate? It has to be one of these. These comment sections spew nothing but vitriol and anger and they are constantly flooded with the stuff, but hey, maybe you'll get top comment or make that guy "realize" how bad immigrants are. Because we all know that once you get top comment or sway Mr. Internet's ideologies you'll... You'll, um- wait, what would this have accomplished exactly, because it seems to me that all you've done is contribute to the ever-growing mold of humanity that is a Youtube comment section.

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