Sunday, November 24, 2013

Assignment 14 Schuler Ravencraft

To start off a typical Thanksgiving, I wake up and spend my first 3 hours of the day traveling to the exciting town of Owensboro Kentucky. Don’t get me wrong I love spending time with my family but Owensboro is one of the most boring places in the United States. Once I get there I am greeted by my grandparents and there abnormally energetic dog. We sit around watching the end of the Macy’s Day Parade and the Dog Show while my grandmother huffs around the kitchen, typically angry no one is helping even though she won’t let us. Once the dinner is made my great grandfather (who is 93 and scarily still drives) and my aunt head over. Being the only grandchild, I am by far the youngest of the group. We sit around the table filled with turkey, ham, mash potatoes, stuffing, green beans, grits, rolls, cranberry sauce and gravy. It is a typical southern Thanksgiving. We eat and talk and eat some more until we pass out. It has to be one of my favorite days consisting of family and food. How could it get any better?

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