Sunday, November 10, 2013

Assignment 12 Schuler Ravencraft

I wait and wait and wait… Every time I here footsteps I get excited and think she is about to bust through the door but I should know better… She doesn’t get home until around 3:45 so why do I get my hopes up, I mean it’s not like she’ll pay any attention to me anyways. As soon as my clock hit 3:45 I know its time. She walks through the door and completely bypasses me and walks over and turns on the TV and whips out her I phone! What a jerk! She doesn’t even acknowledge my existence until she needs help with something. Oh you have homework? Now you want my help?? What’s wrong with your phone? If I am in a good mood sometimes I’ll help her out but some days my wifi “stops working” or I’m “not responding” and it’s nice to see her actually act like she needs me. Even though she starts to get angry calling me “stupid technology” and starts stabbing at my buttons it’s nice to hear her say “How am I going to write my paper!?”. It reminds me that I truly am needed so I always end up helping her out in the end. I mean don’t get me wrong we have some fun times. It’s always nice to watch Youtube videos together and it’s fun learning new and exciting things, but it would be nice to get a little more appreciation. 

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