Sunday, November 3, 2013

Assignment 11- Genghis Goodman

            Katy Estes sits to my right, I've known her since freshmen year. Katy used to be a cheerleader until she was forced to quit because of a ridiculous amount of concussions (like 11?), without cheer Katy does debate to fill her free time. Due to the fact that Katy was really into cheer, and she's fairly bubbly and outgoing I would have to say she is a pink. Katy's very enthusiastic about some things and unfortunately that includes the show "The Walking Dead" (probably a result of all of her previous concussions). Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with the show, unless you think it's better than the greatest piece of entertainment that has ever happened to television (Vince Gilligan save her soul). Aside from the whole walking dead issue, Katy is a very nice and affable person.
            Brittany Graul sits to my left. Brittany is a very avid soccer player;  however, she had to take a hiatus because of a torn ACL. Unfortunately, this injury causes her to have to attend a lot of physical therapy, which apparently feels like a continuous charlie horse in your leg (sounds terrible). Aside from the physical therapy I believe Brittany is in Beta club and Book club, however she could be in many more clubs that I am unaware of. Although I've never really talked to Brittany until this year, I think she is very smart and nice, and I've enjoyed sitting next to her (and Katy) so far.

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